In 2011, Shepherd of the City Lutheran Church purchased the former Elite Disco Ballroom building located at 1231 S. Anthony Blvd. with the intention of developing a community outreach ministry to care for the needs of families in the neighborhood.
Through a matching grant from The Lutheran Foundation, many generous donors, as well as funds from the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod Office of National Mission and the Lutheran Women's Missionary League, the building was renovated for the glory of God.
In 2017, Shepherd of the City called Deaconess Rachel Jaseph to be the first Executive Director of The Shepherd's Hand. She developed community partnerships, programs and events. The Shepherd's Hand celebrated its Grand Opening on Sunday, October 21, 2018.
The Shepherd's Hand Community Outreach Center became a 501c3 January 2, 2019 and became a Registered Service Organization of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in 2021.
The Shepherd's Hand Community Outreach Center called Deaconess Kim Trombley June 2021 to be the second Executive Director of the organization.
Please contact us for more information about our upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and ongoing education and health programs